This Simple Trick Lets You Remove Powered by Shopify for Good Shopify Hates It

Feb 3, 2024 | Digital Marketing | 0 comments

How to Remove Powered by Shopify From Your Online Store

Are you looking to remove the “Powered by Shopify” text that shows up at the bottom of your Shopify online store? While Shopify is an excellent ecommerce platform, having their branding on your site may not fit with your brand image. The good news is removing the Shopify branding is a simple process that can be done without affecting the functionality of your store. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the different methods you can use to remove “Powered by Shopify” from your storefront.

Why Remove Powered by Shopify?

Before jumping into the removal methods, you may be wondering why shop owners decided to remove the Shopify branding in the first place. Here are some of the top reasons:

  • Brand Consistency – You’ve worked hard to build your unique brand. Having another company’s branding on your site can detract from your brand identity.
  • Professional Image – For some business types, such as law firms or medical practices, displaying third-party branding can make your site seem less professional.
  • Cleaner Look – Removing the Shopify text can declutter the footer of your site for a cleaner, more refined look.
  • Increase Trust – Subtly showing your site is independently designed and owned can increase visitor trust in your brand.

So in summary, the main motivation is to distance your brand from Shopify to showcase your own brand identity and ownership of the site.

powered by Shopify

How to Remove “Powered by Shopify”

Now let’s go over the steps to remove the Shopify branding from your online store. There are a few different methods you can use:

1. Edit Theme Code

The easiest approach is to directly edit your theme’s code to remove the branding text:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin and go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Open the Actions dropdown for your current theme and select “Edit code”.
  3. Use the left sidebar to open the layout/theme. liquid file.
  4. Find the line containing {%- if shop.enabled_presentment_currencies.size > 1 -%}.
  5. Below that line will be <p class=”copyright”>&copy; {{ “now” | date: “%Y” }}, {{ | link_to: ‘/’ }} {{ powered_by_link }}</p> which outputs the “Powered by Shopify” text.
  6. Delete {{ powered_by_link }} so the line just says <p class=”copyright”>&copy; {{ “now” | date: “%Y” }}, {{ | link_to: ‘/’ }}</p>.
  7. Click “Save” to save the changes. The Shopify branding should now be removed.
    This code edit removes the liquid tag that outputs the branding text. Just keep in mind, that editing the theme code directly means the change could be overwritten whenever you update the theme. Using an app provides a more permanent solution.

2. Use a Debranding App

Rather than editing code yourself, a simpler option is using a debranding app that will remove Shopify from the theme for you automatically. Some top options include:

  • Shopify Debranding – This free app by Shopify lets you easily remove branding elements including the footer text.
  • Debutify – This popular theme/app suite has a built-in debranding tool to eliminate Shopify text sitewide.
  • Finale – Finale is an advanced theme customization app that offers many design options including debranding.

The steps to use a debranding app are simple:

  1. Install the app from the Shopify App Store.
  2. Follow the app instructions to select which brand elements you want to remove.
  3. The app will then handle removing the Shopify branding code throughout your theme.

The benefit of using an app is it persists even when updating themes. Just check the app reviews and pricing to pick the best option for your store.

3. Use a Custom Theme

If you want complete control over your site design, having a custom theme developed is an option. With a custom theme, you can ensure no Shopify branding is included in the code whatsoever. The downside is the high cost of custom theme development. But for full creative freedom and a truly one-of-a-kind storefront, a custom theme may be worth the investment. Shopify has guides on getting set up with a Shopify Partner to build your custom theme.

powered by Shopify

Other Ways to Remove Shopify Branding

In addition to the footer “Powered by” text, there are a couple of other Shopify brand elements you may want to remove for a fully debranded look.

Delete Shopify Favicon

The Shopify favicon is the little icon that shows up on browser tabs for your site. To remove it:

  1. Go to Online Store > Preferences in your Shopify admin.
  2. Scroll to the Branding section and delete the favicon image.
  3. Upload your custom favicon.

Change Admin URL

The default Shopify admin URL that ends in “” reveals your site is running on Shopify. To change it:

  1. Go to Online Store > Preferences.
  2. Enter a custom domain in the Admin URL field. Ex:

And that’s all there is to removing the Shopify branding and creating a storefront that’s uniquely your brand! Just go with the method that best fits your skills and needs. Your customers will now see your brand and products front and center, without any distractions from third-party platforms. Removing the “Powered by Shopify” text can help present a professional, credible brand image that builds trust and drives sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Does removing “Powered by Shopify” affect my store’s functionality?

A: No, solely removing the branding text does not impact anything else. Your shop will function the same without the Shopify text visible.

Q2: Is removing Shopify branding against their terms of service?

A: Shopify’s terms require showing their branding. However, they allow brands to remove it without penalty, though you lose some legal protections. Check the terms for full details.

Q3: Will editing my theme code remove “Powered by Shopify” forever?

A: Unfortunately no. Any code edits made directly to the theme can be overwritten when you update the theme. Using an app provides a more permanent solution.

Q4: Can I delete my Shopify account after removing the branding?

A: Yes, removing the branding does not prevent you from being able to cancel your Shopify subscription or delete your Shopify store if you wish.

Q5: Does using a custom theme guarantee no Shopify branding?

A: For the most part yes, but double check with your theme developer. Some may still include small Shopify mentions that need removed. Using a reputable Shopify Partner for a custom theme is best.

Q6: What’s the easiest method to remove the branding as a beginner?

A: For those without coding skills, the simplest method is using a free debranding app like Shopify Debranding. It takes care of removing Shopify text across your theme with just a few clicks.

Q7: Will removing branding slow down my online store?

A: Nope, deleting a small text snippet or using a debranding app will have no noticeable impact on your store’s speed or performance. It’s a very minor change.


If you’re looking to remove the “Powered by Shopify” branding from your ecommerce store, this guide has outlined several methods to help you do just that. While Shopify is a great platform, its branding can detract from your own brand identity that you’ve worked hard to establish. The three main approaches covered are editing your theme code directly, using a debranding app, or having a fully custom theme developed. Editing the code yourself is the quickest fix but risks being overwritten later on. Debranding apps provide a more permanent solution without any coding required on your part. Or for complete creative control, a custom theme guarantees no Shopify branding included whatsoever.

Additionally, we covered other areas to remove Shopify branding, like changing your store’s admin URL and favicon. Taking these steps results in a shop that looks professionally designed with your brand and products at the forefront. Visitors are no longer distracted by third-party platforms powering your site. Removing Shopify branding not only leads to a cleaner, more consistent brand image but also increases trust and credibility with customers.

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