Email Marketing Isn’t Dead: Here’s What’s Shifting in 2023

Dec 19, 2022 | Business, Digital Marketing, social media marketing | 0 comments

Email Marketing Isn’t Dead: Here’s What’s Shifting in 2023 and Beyond

The way marketers do business and engage with customers is constantly evolving. A few years ago, people preferred face-to-face discussions. Today, online communication platforms can address even the most serious of matters. It goes to show that people like going digital more and more.

With the rise of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like, more online communication platforms are available to promote your company to potential clients. The rise of online marketing channels led many to believe that conventional marketing tools such as email or SMS marketing are no longer relevant. Maybe, but not emails.

Email Marketing isn't Dead

Email marketing has proven the test of time. Despite the rise in popularity of social media and other messaging platforms, research indicates that email is still the most effective way to reach people, with a staggering four billion people using email globally in 2020.

This year, the number of email users has risen to 4.26 billion, and the average number of emails a day has come up to 333.2 billion a day. The numbers are likely to continue skyrocketing in the coming years.

The tried and tested email will likely offer its patrons more in the coming years, but only if you use the right email marketing strategies. Here are some ways to make your emails more engaging and effective for consumers. 

6 Ways To Create Effective And Engaging Emails

  1. Get personal
    Without question, personalization is one of the most effective email marketing hacks that provide impressive advantages for your email campaigns, but it can be a complex concept. While adding names to your emails can add a bit of personalization, getting personal requires knowing more than just your customer’s name. Some cornerstones of effective personalization are:
  • Tailoring send times to the email user’s previous open patterns
  • Using dynamic content that changes based on the recipient
  • Tuning email frequency to the degree of engagement
  • Creating a personal brand connection
  • Developing customized destinations

While it is beneficial to familiarize the relationship a business has with its customers, it’s still important to be cautious not to cross the line. Using names excessively can only make you appear weird to customers and harm your reputation.

2. Show appreciation through emails

Birthday emails have the potential to bring in almost 342% more money than a typical advertising email. It implies that customer appreciation emails significantly affect a company’s financial performance. These emails allow you to recognize potential customers, offer assistance, and establish a crucial emotional connection.

Emails recognizing clients’ birthdays, anniversaries, milestones, exclusive offers, thank you emails, and the like, will help your brand nurture your relationship with your customers. This creates a sense of trust, encouraging loyalty, and raising engagement.

  1. Make sure it’s mobile-friendly

    Think about crafting an email that has everything — it’s personalized and looks good. You’re so proud of it, proud enough to hit send, but as soon as it’s opened on mobile, the graphics are gone, and the layout is terrible. As a result, your subscribers are unable to interact with you. This scenario can have a significant impact on the success of your campaign.

    Users are 52% less inclined to stick with a brand after a bad mobile experience. If you believe that experience in email design is different, you are wrong. The mobile experience is becoming increasingly important in every domain, particularly when lengthy approaches and creative ideas are gaining preference.

    Here are some design tips for mobile-friendly emails:

  • Stick to one-column emails
  • Center any relevant text
  • Have a call-to-action button that is easy to tap
  • Increase the text size
  • Show simple images

4. Engage your clients

The days of boring sales pitches are long gone. Today, it is more important than ever to replace the physical act of buying with something equivalent in the digital world. Customers demand exceptional client treatment in every aspect. Therefore, user-friendly email designs that perfectly compensate for this gap are growing in favor.

About 68% of consumers now have higher expectations for brands’ digital skills. The good news is that you have various excellent choices, including animated GIFs, dynamic effects, interactive features, and gamified experiences.

  1. Check-in with inactive subscribers

Around 51% of people opt out of email lists when encountering content they weren’t expecting. You will lose subscribers if you don’t try to offer engaging and compelling content that piques your customer’s interest. Email list decline is unavoidable, but you can prevent it to some extent by sending out re-engagement emails.

Sending an email to your inactive subscribers can catch their attention again. Let them know you miss them and would like to hear from them again with a subject line to reinforce your statement. Think of offering them a unique deal or discount to try and reel them back in.

Add those who respond to the list of active users. Inform people who don’t answer that you’ll remove them from your list if they don’t reply within a time window.

  1. Segment your email list

    Companies that segment their email subscribers report as much as a 760% boost in revenue. Customers prefer receiving information relevant to their likes and dislikes since it makes for a more seamless customer experience. Keeping this in mind, segmenting your email lists to increase engagement correctly is beneficial.

    A quick and easy strategy you can use is segmenting your email list based on

  • demographic data,
  • email engagement,
  • past purchases, and customers’ position.

If they are at the bottom of the funnel, such as a group of brand-new subscribers, you should send more generic messages indicating the various items or services you offer.

Email Marketing isn't Dead

The Future of Email Marketing

While there isn’t a foolproof blueprint for effective email marketing, integrating the fundamentals and refining your efforts is an excellent place to start. You learned the various email marketing tactics that can assist you in creating a successful campaign, especially as the world expects continued growth of email users in the years ahead.

The fact that there are so many opportunities for progress and success makes email marketing both a challenging and exciting process. It is an excellent foundation for developing carefully thought-out tactics that, if applied correctly, will result in better sales. Putting in significant effort to communicate with your subscribers on their path to becoming loyal customers will put you ahead of your competitors.

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