The Best Ultimate Guide to Hiring an Ecommerce Agency in 2024

Jan 16, 2024 | Digital Marketing | 0 comments

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The Ultimate Guide to Hiring an Ecommerce Agency in 2024

E-commerce has exploded in popularity over the last few years. More and more businesses are moving online and opening up digital storefronts. However running a successful ecommerce business requires specialized skills in digital marketing, web development, branding, and more. That’s why hiring an experienced e-commerce agency has become so crucial for brands looking to grow their online sales.

What is an e-commerce agency?

An e-commerce agency is a digital marketing agency that specializes in helping ecommerce businesses drive online sales through customized solutions. E-commerce agencies offer a wide range of services to support online stores, which can include:

  • E-commerce website design and development
  • Ecommerce UX/UI design
  • Search engine optimization
  • Paid search marketing (PPC)
  • Amazon marketing services
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Marketing analytics and reporting

The best Ad Agencies excel at combining beautiful design, user experience, and data-driven marketing strategies to help ecommerce brands attract customers, drive traffic, and increase conversions.

ecommerce agency

ecommerce agency


Benefits of Hiring an E-commerce Marketing Agency

Running an entire e-commerce operation solo can be extremely overwhelming. Working with an e-commerce marketing agency provides brands with seasoned experts who know how to grow online stores. Here are some of the top benefits of hiring an e-commerce agency:

Save Time and Resources

E-commerce requires constant optimization across many different sales funnels and platforms. Hiring an agency saves you the headache of tackling everything in-house. Ad Agencies also provide more manpower, resources, and bandwidth to get results faster.

Access Elite Talent and Technology

Top e-commerce agencies attract the best digital marketing, design, and development talent. Their teams live and breathe e-commerce. Agencies also pour resources into using premium technologies and tools.

Develop a Sound E-commerce Strategy

Agencies help brands map out data-backed e-commerce strategies for long-term success. You receive an objective outside perspective on improving systems and processes.

Drive More Traffic and Sales

Expert e-commerce agencies have proven systems for boosting conversions. Their technical knowledge and marketing tactics will help your brand capture more traffic, leads, and sales.

Gain Insights from Data and Analytics

E-commerce requires making decisions based on hard data. Agencies provide in-depth analytics and reporting to extract insights and optimize based on performance.

Cultivate a Better Brand Experience

Agencies help unify messaging and systems to create cohesive, on-brand interactions across channels. This results in happier, more loyal customers.
For brands serious about e-commerce success, partnering with an e-commerce Digital Marketing Agency provides the ingenuity and firepower needed to hit revenue goals and scale new heights.

Key Services E-commerce Agencies Offer

E-commerce agencies provide a vast array of services to match the diverse needs of online stores. While service offerings will vary between agencies, below are some of the most common core services provided:

Ecommerce Website Design

An e-commerce site needs to balance aesthetics, user experience, and conversions. Agencies design beautiful, on-brand sites that seamlessly guide customers through the buying journey.

Ecommerce Development

Beyond just design, agencies handle technical development to ensure sites function optimally and integrate with key e-commerce platforms.

UX/UI Design

UX and UI design enhance the customer experience to make shopping frictionless. Agencies apply user research and psychology to motivate purchases.


SEO includes technical optimization and content to improve organic rankings and traffic. E-commerce SEO requires unique strategies to drive product discoveries.

PPC Management

Paid ads through Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon are leveraged to promote products and attract high-intent customers.

Amazon Marketing

For brands selling on Amazon, agencies help build, optimize, promote, and manage their Amazon presence through services like Amazon PPC, SEO (A9), and account management.

Email Marketing

Agencies help craft email campaigns that convert by nurturing subscribers, promoting offers, recovering carts, building loyalty, and reviewing products.

Social Media Marketing

Paid and organic social campaigns attract qualified traffic. Agencies promote products through strategic Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and TikTok marketing.

Content Marketing

Relevant, engaging content is published across blogs and channels to draw new visitors and improve SEO.

Marketing Analytics

Data insights extracted through analytics tools guide strategic optimizations. Agencies report on KPIs and ROI.
The right e-commerce content agency will offer a menu of services that aligns with your brand’s unique ecommerce objectives and needs. During the vetting process, it’s important to inquire about their areas of expertise.

ecommerce agency

Types of E-commerce Agencies

The ecommerce landscape is vast. Different types of ecommerce agencies cater to specific store models, budgets, locations, and specializations. Brands should understand the core agency types to find the optimal fit.

Digital Marketing Agencies for Ecommerce

Digital Marketing Agencies for ecommerce take a performance marketing approach to ecommerce. They specialize in leveraging paid and organic search, email, social, content, and affiliates to drive conversions. Some have SEO or PPC as core strengths. Digital marketing agencies tend to have lower minimum contracts compared to full-service agencies.

Full-Service Ecommerce Agencies

Full-service ecommerce agencies offer end-to-end ecommerce solutions under one roof. They can provide the entire gamut of services from market research, branding, web design, UX, development, photography, content, marketing campaigns, and analytics. Full-service agencies tend to work with big brands or budgets but can be a one-stop solution.

Specialized Ecommerce Services

Niche agencies offer specialized services like ecommerce web design, ecommerce SEO, Amazon marketing, email marketing, or mobile optimization. These single-focus solutions can work well for brands with targeted needs or smaller budgets.

Boutique Ecommerce Agencies

Boutique ecommerce agencies cater to specific locations (such as ecommerce agencies in London), industries (such as fashion), or brand sizes (such as startups). They leverage expertise from specializing in select ecommerce niches.

Big Marketing Agencies

Major marketing agencies like WPP offer ecommerce capabilities. However, their ecommerce divisions often feel more like an add-on service. Brands may prefer specialized ecommerce expertise over a massive agency scale.

Hybrid or Emerging Models

Some modern agencies blend web development, design, and marketing into streamlined teams. New emerging models like ecommerce accelerators can also provide growth capital and strategic support.
Brands must assess their internal strengths and weaknesses to decide which agency type offers the optimal skills and services to achieve their goals. A boutique PPC agency may suit some brands while an integrated full-service agency may better fit other complex needs.

How Much Do Ecommerce Agencies Cost?

The cost of hiring an ecommerce agency depends on the services, agency size, and location. Average costs*:

  • Small local agency: $5,000 – $10,000 per month
  • Medium specialist agency: $10,000 – $25,000 per month
  • Large full-service agency: $25,000+ per month

Many agencies will also work on retainer and project models that allow greater flexibility beyond monthly contracts. When estimating costs, consider:

  • Scope of services required
  • Size of the agency
  • Location of the agency (London and New York agencies cost more)
  • Minimum contract commitments
  • Retainer fees
  • Agency experience and specialties

Top agencies demonstrate strong ROI from the growth they drive to justify costs. Improving conversion rates by just a few percentage points can yield 6-figure extra returns for mature ecommerce stores.

How to Choose the Best Ecommerce Agency

With so many agency options available, how do brands identify the best ecommerce agency partners? Use these tips in your vetting process:

Look for Specialized Experience

Find agencies exclusively dedicated to ecommerce with proven success growing online stores in your niche. They should live and breathe ecommerce marketing.

Review Their Client’s Portfolio

Vet their ecommerce brand clients and determine if they have demonstrated success across similar online stores. Look for real transformation and growth.

Understand Their Service Offerings

Learn what core services they offer and drill down into their areas of specialty to ensure they align with your needs.

Evaluate Their Team and Culture

The team makeup, characteristics, leadership, and company culture say a lot. Look for seasoned experts who can collaborate seamlessly.

Discuss Reporting and Analytics

Ask how they track, report on, and optimize against key ecommerce KPIs. The right analytics matter.

Get a Free Consultation

Many will offer free in-depth consultations and audits. This gives you key insights before you commit.

Compare Pricing Models

Review projected costs and contract models across shortlisted options. Get bids from multiple agencies.

Check for Technical Expertise

From site performance to integrating platforms, find an agency capable of complex technical work. They should stay ahead of ecommerce innovations.

Request Examples and References

Ask for their best work examples and client references to better understand the results delivered for other brands.

Look for Ongoing Optimization

The agency should show commitment to continuous testing and improvement. Ecommerce requires constant optimization.

Ensure Transparent Communication

Communicating insights, reporting, strategy, and pivoting along the way is critical. Ensure open access and dialogue.
Finding the right ecommerce agency partner requires careful due diligence across many factors from services to results to the team and culture. However, taking the time to find the ideal fit pays off enormously through accelerated online growth.

Top Ecommerce Agencies in Popular Cities

London Ecommerce Agencies
London is a major hub for European and global ecommerce brands. Top ecommerce agencies in London include:

  • Wolfgang Digital
  • Click Consult
  • Blue Array
  • Perplex London
  • Fifteen
  • Agent3

New York Ecommerce Agencies

As a leading city for ecommerce, New York is home to some of the top ecommerce agencies in the US:

  • Wpromote
  • VaynerMedia
  • Smartbug Media
  • Blue Acorn iCi
  • lc/g Commerce
  • Common Thread Collective

Los Angeles Ecommerce Agencies

Top LA-based ecommerce agencies known for strategic thinking and creative talent include:

  • 3Q Digital
  • Conversion Fanatics
  • ZeroLag
  • Pepper Moon
  • Megaforce

Chicago Ecommerce Agencies

Chicago offers access to many specialist midwest-based ecommerce agencies:

  • Belardi/Westfield
  • Rise Interactive
  • Omnicom Commerce Group
  • Frontier
  • Spool Marketing

Austin Ecommerce Agencies

Austin has a growing tech and startup scene served by agencies like:

  • 76 Studios
  • MuteSix
  • Diff
  • Null
  • Wpromote

Miami Ecommerce Agencies

Miami ecommerce agencies bring expertise serving Latin American and Caribbean markets:

  • W Promote
  • 3Q Digital
  • AdParlor
  • Pacific Link Marketing

Start Generating More Ecommerce Sales Now

The ecommerce landscape grows more sophisticated by the day. Brands need experienced partners to keep pace and unlock their full potential. By hiring the right ecommerce agency, brands gain the talent, technology, and strategies to:

  • Drive more high-value traffic
  • Convert traffic into customers
  • Optimize funnels for lower cost and higher sales
  • Compete smarter on marketplaces like Amazon
  • Retain and grow existing customer LTV

But remember, not all agencies are created equal. Do your diligence to find specialists with proven ecommerce performance in your niche. Align services with your business goals. Structure contracts and pricing models that fuel growth at a reasonable cost. And look for transparency and collaboration every step of the way.

Digital Marketing Agencies provide a force multiplier effect on your business. With a powerful agency partner committed to your success, your brand is positioned to thrive in the digital marketplace and achieve victory in the ecommerce arena. The potential rewards for your online store are immense. The time to take that leap is now!

Frequently Asked Questions About Ecommerce Agencies

What does an ecommerce agency do?

Ecommerce agencies are digital marketing firms that focus exclusively on driving online sales for ecommerce merchants. Core services include ecommerce website design, search marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, Amazon marketing, and marketing analytics.

What results can an ecommerce agency deliver?

Top agencies deliver remarkable growth, from increasing traffic and rankings to optimizing conversions and transactions. Ecommerce revenue growth from 25-200% per year is possible.

How much do ecommerce agencies cost?

Costs vary based on services, agency size, and location. Average from $5,000 to $25,000+ per month. Project and commission-based pricing is also common.

How do I choose the right ecommerce agency?

Choosing the right agency requires vetting experience, services, results, team, reporting, pricing, and expertise in your niche. Get proposals from multiple options.

What questions should I ask agencies?

Key questions include services offered, client results, ecommerce specialties, team background, reporting, optimization process, pricing models, and minimum contracts.

When is the best time to hire an agency?

It’s smart to hire an agency early when launching an ecommerce brand to ensure the right foundations. But established brands also benefit enormously from expert guidance and growth.


Finding an elite ecommerce agency to partner with is one of the most strategic investments any online merchant can make. With the right experts guiding your strategy, you gain the talent and technology to drive record-breaking results. Take the time to carefully assess agencies that fit your niche, services, business model, and budget. And get ready to expand your ecommerce horizons. With an A-player agency on your team, the possibilities for your online store are limitless.

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